
Demography is the scientific study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to the human population. The characteristics encompassed by this study include size, growth rate, density, vital statistics, and distribution of a specified population. Demography requires the study of specific information that may be gathered from a population census or vital statistic records. People who study and record this information are referred to as demographers. Demographers must know both how to scientifically obtain information and how to interpret it relatively.

What is population distribution?

Population distribution means the pattern of where people live. World population distribution is uneven. Places which are sparsely populated contain few people. Places which are densely populated contain many people. Sparsely populated places tend to be difficult places to live. These are usually places with hostile environments e.g. Antarctica. Places which are densely populated are habitable environments e.g. Europe.

What is Population Density?

Population density is an often reported and commonly compared statistic for places around the world. Population density is the measure of the number per unit area. It is commonly represented as people per square mile (or square kilometer), which is derived simply by area population / land area in square miles (or square kilometers).

Density can be computed for any area - as long as one knows the size of the land area and the population within that area. The population density of cities, states, entire continents, and even the world can be computed.

What are the components of population growth?

The age and sex composition of a population affects its social life in many ways. Changes in age composition are due mainly to changes in birthrates and are presently increasing the proportion of aged and reducing the proportion of children in many countries. Migration is affected by the push given to people by unsatisfactory conditions at home by the pull of attractive opportunities elsewhere and by the channels or means through which they are able to migrate.

·         Sex Composition
·         Population Density: Defined as the number of persons per sq km
·         Age Composition: The current age distribution
·         Morality
·         Birth